Meta Editor for iPad 3.0

Meta Editor for iPad has reached version 3.0. It will be released very soon, hopefully next week. This new version adds a lot of features, of course. The goal is to make the tool more useful and more solid for users. So I first took into account the comments received: - "I want to edit multiple pictures at once" - "this application crashes too often"

More is better, multiple is best

The newest version is now able to select and make editable several pictures at once. This means that you can add several images from the photo library at once: tap the plus sign, and select as many pictures as you'd like, one by one but without having to tap again the plus sign. Much faster process. You can also change mode and go into multiple edit mode. This mode allows you to select more than one picture at once from your list to edit the IPTC fields. You can then upload (except for mail) that list of pictures. A new feature that I hope you'll like is the addition of albums. This is becoming more than necessary when you have more than a bunch of pictures. There is still a "all pictures" choice of course.


To make sure that the app worked better, with less crashes and less bugs, I spent quite some time making some beta versions, reaching out for people to provide their feedback and correcting quickly the issues that were found to keep the discussion going on. I also added a developer feature that allows me (with your permission) to receive the crash reports that are automatically produced by the system to find where and how the crashes are happening. As one of my fellow developers said: you should solve bugs from Crash reports before the user tells you about it. But of course you need crash reports. So next time you crash on Meta Editor, please send the crash, it will help me make a better app.

New way to export

I've added the Flickr upload to the different ways of saving your edited and tagged pictures. If you have a Flickr account, please try it and comment on it, preferably by direct email.

Meta = Exif + GPS + IPTC

One of the meta information sets I totally overlooked in the 2.0 version was Exif. This big error has been corrected. I hope Meta Editor in its third version becomes more useful for you and helps you be more productive with your iPad quickly. Please help me making it better by spreading the word so that I can spend more time on it.

Publié le 7 May 2011
Écrit par Cyril