- iPhone Dev tags: - appstore iphone - review process Your application has been REJECTED! | Cactus

Your application has been REJECTED!

Your application, cannot be posted to the App Store at this time because it does not adhere to the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines as outlined in iPhone SDK Agreement section 3.3.5. See, one of our guys figured that it was a nice test to stay inside a building, do as if he wasn't running, get into airplane mode to test your GPS app. And guess what : you were not able to tell him he was moving. No, he stayed there and the app said he had done 0m. So of course, we need to reject once again the app. That's the second time, because last time the same guy didn't enter his twitter account and expected to have a tweet (yes we sent you that screenshot). And of course, we won't test further to tell you how we could screw our tests anymore. What you spent 6 months on this app, refining every rough edges? We don't care, we don't want you on the AppStore. Next time, we plan to test if there is sound when we use that switch, there on the side of the phone.

Publié le 18 Jun 2009
Écrit par Cyril